

不過終究還是遇到問題了。這次去九州買的一台相機Canon IXY 900IS,沒幾天後就發生開機後鏡頭迅速收回的問題,當然,就是無法拍照了。於是我開始幫同事洽詢維修方式,畢竟我也從沒遇過帶回的相機故障的問題。除了在網路上拋出維修的訊息請網友提供相機送修的方式與經驗外,也同時以e-mail的方式詢問國內的代理商彩虹以及日本Canon公司能否提供維修服務。


From: Rainbow Kaohsiung


Cc: service

Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 2:36 PM

Subject: 您好,我們是高雄彩虹股份有限公司




服務員:                                               彩虹先進股份有限公司   高雄服務處




11/07 TUE 11:56

Name = ***

email = ***
Dear sir,
Hello.  I bought a Canon IXY 900IS in Bic camera(Fukuoka/>/>) on Oct. 29, 2006.  Today when I turn the power on, the len streches out and back soon.  The camera cannot be used.  I  think it's broken down.  I live in Taiwan/>, can I send the camera back to Japan/>/> to be repaired?  Where should I send?  How much should I pay?
Please answer me, Thank you.


From: <>


Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 10:29 AM

Subject: Ref. 61090: Repair Inquiry

Dear ***,

Thank you very much for your patronage of Canon products.  For this problem, please confirm if the battery is fully charged.  If this problem consists after replacing the battery, there might be some problem in camera function; please send the camera for evaluation at the service center.

Please mail you camera and valid warranty card along with a memo indicating the problem you are encountering, return address in English, and your contact information.

Mail to:
Attn: Overseas Repair
Higashi-Nihon Service Center Canon Marketing Japan Inc.
1F/> Canon MJ building, 1-7-2/> Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba, Japan 261-8711
Phone: 043-211-9032  FAX: 043-211-9033

Repair cost: Normally the repair under warranty is free of charge; however, if the camera is damaged due to the dust/sand/water or abuse/mishandling, the warranty will be voided.

Shipping cost: You will be asked to pay for one-way shipping, Canon will bear the return shipping cost.

Turnaround time: Normal/> repair takes 2 to 3 weeks including the return shipping.

If you have further inquiry regarding the repair, please contact the above service center.

Best regards,
Customer Support



On Fri, 10 Nov 2006 11:07:43 +0800
Dear sir,

I'm glad to receive your reply.   I've a question.  I think I miss the warranty card.  Can I mail the camera  with the purchase receipt instead?   The camera IXY 900IS  is just available in the market for about one month, I think the warranty should be supposed to be valid.  Thank you.
Best regards,



From: <>


Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 11:44 AM

Subject: Re: Ref. 61090: Repair Inquiry

Dear ***,
Thank you for your reply.  The original receipt can be presented as a proof.
Please send it with the camera.
Best regards,
Customer Support



On Wed, 6 Dec 2006 14:54:55 +0800
Dear sir,
I have sent my camera IXY 900 IS back by air mail to your company,  Higashi-Nihon/> Service/> Center/>/>, on November 13, 2006.  Did you receive the camera?  The name I left is ***, and my camera serial number is 2911003***.  Could you please tell me what's the status of the camera?

Thank you.


From: <>


Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 8:50 AM

Subject: Re: Ref. 61090: Repair Inquiry

Dear ***,
Thank you very much for your e-mail.  Our service center does not have a record of your camera yet.  There may be an accident during the shipping, please contact the post service.

Best regards,
Customer Support




On Wed, 13 Dec 2006 15:25:05 +0800
Dear sir,

Thank you for your reply.  After receving your mail, I checked with the shipping company.  Today, they replied that they finally send the camera to your company.  What a long way!
Could you please check whether you get the camera, IXY 900 IS, or not.
The name I left is***, and my camera serial number is 2911003921.  Anything goes on, please let me know.
Thank you very much.

Best regards,



From: <>


Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 9:17 AM

Subject: Re: Ref. 61090: Repair Inquiry

Dear ***,
Sorry for the delay to reply.  Please note your camera was received and under repair at the service center.  It will be ready to send back to you early next week.  We will let you know the AWB No. when it is ready for shipping.
Best regards,
Customer Support


From: <>


Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 3:02 PM

Subject: Re: Ref. 61090: Repair Inquiry

Dear ***

We are glad to inform you that the repair completed earlier than we expected.  Your camera was shipped today via DHL.  The AWB
 is No. 2366***516.You can trace your percel at the following site starting tomorrow.

Best regards and happy holidays,
Customer Support

隔天下午,真的收到一份包裹,是日本Canon 寄來的,效率之快,令人驚喜。Canon自收到到維修完畢寄回,前後只花了9天的時間,效率相當快,寄回的包裹包的相當仔細,硬盒內填充物很多,深怕精密機器運送中的碰撞,很符合日本人做事一版一眼的方式。



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